Pilgrims On The Way

our old theologians used to make a lot out of the distinction between God's knowledge and ours...they distinguished...between a knowledge of God in himslef (a theology of glory), which was unavailable to us, and a revelation of God accommodated to our weakness (a theology of the cross). they called "our theology" theologia viatorum, "the theology of pilgrims." while pilgrims haven't already arrived, they know where they're headed and are even now on their way by God's grace. -Michael Horton

samedi, février 10, 2007

Blogging is "TIME"; Time is "FUNNY"

I just can't keep up with regular updates. Sure, time is money- like the TIME when I found my three year old's two pennies in the dryer- but it's also kinda funny. Just when you think there's time to sit down and pop out an entry before you go to bed, you find that it's really later than when you first thought you'd just sit down.... (to really know what I mean, check out my sister-in-laws entry back in January, entitled "MOTHERS" on the Janzen blog linked on our site)
"I'm going to bed" never really means exactly that for myself.

Anyway, I'm rambling in my fatigue and distraction by the piece of peanut stuck in my tooth....

My boys are doing really well. They are great kids and I have a real riot spending lots of time with them. Costumes is a big part of our lives these days. Zach, of course, is big into dressing up. Spiderman is still cool, but these days Superman has been the favorite. So, at his request, I painted a t-shirt for him and sewed a little cape and he's the king of the world!!!

Then, with the left-over fabric he insisted that I sew Ben a little cape so he can be a little superman too! What buddies!! I sure love that they are at the age of playing well together, albeit ruff and loud sometimes!

Isaiah's pretty "SUPER" himself. He's the most super-ist-ly content baby I have ever known! God knew I'd need that with the extreme energy the other two exude! And he's so happy too!

Posted by Jeremy J Harnett :: 9:06 p.m. :: 6 comments

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