Pilgrims On The Way

our old theologians used to make a lot out of the distinction between God's knowledge and ours...they distinguished...between a knowledge of God in himslef (a theology of glory), which was unavailable to us, and a revelation of God accommodated to our weakness (a theology of the cross). they called "our theology" theologia viatorum, "the theology of pilgrims." while pilgrims haven't already arrived, they know where they're headed and are even now on their way by God's grace. -Michael Horton

mercredi, juillet 01, 2009

Our home is coming together- with help from the community!!!

This new neighborhood is anything but boring! Our kids have had such an exciting Spring watching all the work going on outside our windows.

Our Solar panel (a promotional piece donated to us by Solar-tech Kelowna) has been up and running now (heating our water), after months of having workers climb into our attic and plumb into our laundry room, as well as manipulate machine lifts and equipment to install the panels on our south-facing side of our top floor!

We've had work crews come around to pave our parking area, build our fences, and landscape our surroundings.
We, including the kids, have joined right in for as much of the sweat-work we could!

This is the view to our common area, which will most likely be paved into a basketball/street hockey court.

We've had our share of media with all this too. Of course, being a "Habitat Family", we are considered as sort of a "project". It's humbling, but we do feel blessed.
At our Ribbon cutting ceremony last weekend, we had the Mayor, the MP and our MLA all here- as well as many other people- to celebrate that this nine year project is now complete. Being the unique unit with the solar panel, we were also asked if we wouldn't mind allowing all the guests to take a tour of our home. I was interviewed three times: once by a newspaper reporter, once for the CHBC tv news , and once over the phone for the Vernon Morning Star. (What's with the poparatzi?? I'm not much for being famous! ha ha)

This is a view of the front side of unit 107 and 108. We live in 108; the final unit in this project.
We have a bit of painting left to do on the outside railings and, as well as (eventually... if I get to the dreaded task) some colors indoors (we moved in to white walls!). Anybody love painting and want to come over to inspire me to this??? ;)

Our back yard was our own responsibility, and Jer and I worked hours to dig up rocks and discarded concrete, and level in order to spread out topsoil and roll our sod.

Once our new grass was in we really began smiling!! ha ha

It is not a large yard; in fact, after setting up our much loved trampoline, there is enough room only for our picnic table! But, what else does a family need? he he
Actually, I find that having the trampoline gives us twice the play space: under the trampoline is a cool, shady play/read space, and on top of the trampoline is a wild and energy-spending romp-zone!

We have yet to mow, but we'll figure that out once we actually buy a mini-mower!! ha!

This is a view of the back-side of our unit which faces the road and the mountains! It's a tall and narrow home; only 15 feet wide. But it's home!

Posted by Jeremy J Harnett :: 9:19 p.m. :: 1 comments

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