Pilgrims On The Way

our old theologians used to make a lot out of the distinction between God's knowledge and ours...they distinguished...between a knowledge of God in himslef (a theology of glory), which was unavailable to us, and a revelation of God accommodated to our weakness (a theology of the cross). they called "our theology" theologia viatorum, "the theology of pilgrims." while pilgrims haven't already arrived, they know where they're headed and are even now on their way by God's grace. -Michael Horton

vendredi, novembre 04, 2005

It's happening....

You know, the day has come when I am truly seeing the simple promises, principles, and precepts of Jesus through the eyes of a child. Sure, I've had glimpses of child-like faith before. But today, I began by teaching Zach the song "Deep and Wide". He enjoyed it and thought I was pretty silly. But then I attempted to explain to him what the fountain was symbolizing- Jesus and his love is what's flowing out. Hmmm, how do you make a two year old understand unseen concepts? So I jumped into singing "Running over, running over, my cup is filling running over. Since the Lord saved me I'm as happy as can be. My cup is filling running over!" And as I did the actions, I pretended to pour the love over Benjamin's head, and over Zach's head. They both beamed! And when I reviewed it with him, I asked: "So Zach, do you know what is pouring out of the fountain?" And his reply, with a big and proud smile was: "Yes Mom: oil!" (he came up with that idea all himself. Did an angel whisper it in his ear?)

"You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows." Psalm 23:5b

Posted by Jeremy J Harnett :: 4:43 p.m. :: 0 comments

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