Pilgrims On The Way

our old theologians used to make a lot out of the distinction between God's knowledge and ours...they distinguished...between a knowledge of God in himslef (a theology of glory), which was unavailable to us, and a revelation of God accommodated to our weakness (a theology of the cross). they called "our theology" theologia viatorum, "the theology of pilgrims." while pilgrims haven't already arrived, they know where they're headed and are even now on their way by God's grace. -Michael Horton

mardi, juillet 28, 2009

Concert Fun!!

Jer and I had been given two tickets for the Steven Curtis Chapman and Michael W Smith concert this past weekend. What a treat!! I haven't seen SCC in concert since I was a youth, and I don't know if I've ever seen MWS live.

It was a beautiful location- outdoors, overlooking the valley and mountains- at a ranch called Heartland.
Just two hours before the doors opened we had had the BIGGEST storm I can ever remember!! Torrential downpour, lightening and thunder like crazy, giant wind-gusts... Not too hopeful for an outdoor concert in a field.
Jeremy was ready to make a plan B for our date, since we already had a sitter lined up. I was NOT ready to miss a concert which I was so much looking forward to, and was nearly in tears. We waited and checked the status of the situation up until the gates opened.


Once there, the ground was not as muddy as we had expected it to be. The air was chilly, but we came prepared with a blanket and raincoats. The seats were all full; everyone else was expecting the night to go on as planned!

Due to water getting into the sound equipment and instruments which were already set up on the stage, the concert was delayed for nearly TWO HOURS!!

But finally, at around nine o'clock in the evening, Stevie came on stage and shared with us his life, his lessons and his gifts of worship in song. He is so down to earth for a big-name musician. I really appreciate how he wears his heart on his sleeve for all to see, hear, and learn from.

And then there was Smitty. You wouldn't know it from looking at him (even from 10 feet away, as I was in the dance pit) that he is over 50 years old!! He has quite the stage presence and knows how to work the crowd with all his enthusiasm and energy. But his heart is intent of worshiping his God.

Speaking of worship, it was next to impossible not to stand in awe of our amazing Creator in the setting we sang in. As the evening sky overtook the landscape, the stars above far outnumbered those of us in attendance at the concert. The powerful thunder clouds were held at bay, with wondrous lightening striking the hills in the distance. I knew that we were, in fact, witnesses of much more than just the two bands which performed on the stage. The circle of clear, starry sky above the field we were in was as a stage for the Host of Heaven Himself; the Author of music and worship; the Giver of all gifts and talents; the real STAR of the show! (And, in fact, He was/is even closer to me than ten feet away!) It was such a blessing to be able to attend His concert!

Posted by Jeremy J Harnett :: 12:11 p.m. :: 1 comments

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