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lundi, août 28, 2006Big boys... growing up!![]() My little boys are growing up so fast! The obvious difference in size between little Isaiah and Benjamin makes my "little" Benny seem like a giant!! He's sturdy alright. I guess with all the change happening anyway, Jer decided that one more drastic twist to the situation might just be a good idea.... hmmm Jeremy dismantled Ben's crib two days ago and has claimed the bottom bunk to be Ben's new bed. Now keep in mind, Benjamin is only 16 months old. (If you think that's young to be out of a crib, Jer figured Zach was ready at only 12 months!! "Daddy, let us be babies as long as we need to be!!") Our little Benny was once an easy napper, and a great one for going to bed. (He knew that once he was behind those bars there was no choice but to sleep!) Not so now. He has new freedoms that entice his little head and body to fight with everything in him against those drooping eyelids. If it were up to me, my boys would have been in their cribs until they were THREE YEARS OLD!! (that'll train 'em to stay in bed!) Needless to say, it has not been an easy last few days of putting Benny to bed, let alone trying to get him to nap mid-day. We've resorted to tying his door shut in order to keep him from getting out of his room... or even just pinning him to his bed with my house-coat belt. Last night he rebelled by pulling his diaper off and sleeping in the buff on my rocking chair. (thankfully he stayed dry until I could find him and transfer his snoozing little body back to the bottom bunk.) Growing up is harder on the Mommy than on the child, I think! And then there's Zach. He's growing up too. Last night he left with his cousins (and of course Uncle Tony and Auntie Bekah too) to spend the week in Armstrong with them. I remember the days when he would cry to leave me.... Not last night. He was so excited about the big "sleepover" that he didn't even look at me, let alone say "goodbye Mommy". He was out the door and buckled into his cousins' van before I could even get to the door! Will he cry for me in the morning, at the time that he usually tip-toes into my room (6am) and asks me to come downstairs and get him some milk? Probably not. Maybe though. He's growing up too. The irony is, some days I just long for my boys to be a little more grown up- a little more independant. And then, with each new development and sign of growing up, I sob for them to slow down the pace!! ![]() samedi, août 26, 2006![]() At only 12 days old Isaiah weighed in at 10 lbs!! From his 8lb 7oz discharge weight when he was 2 days old, to 10 lbs only ten days later! He's a great eater and sleeper- a great combo for fast-paced growing! ![]() On the 20th of August Benjamin and Isaiah were dedicated to the Lord by our dear friend and pastor, Ward Cowie. It was a special service with much blessing showered on the boys. Needless to say, our little family put on quite a show for the congregation as we stood up at the pulpit and attempted a "proper" ceremony. Zachariah had the other children in stitches as he jumped his stunts off the stage, and made a bee-line for the drum set! Benjamin grabbed at the microphone and sang high-pitched squeels as he wrestled in the arms of, first Jeremy who then passed him to Ward, who then passed him to me.... Isaiah dozed peacefully as he also was passed from one hand to the next in order to accomodate the chasing of Zach or the quieting of Ben. There were quite a number of chuckles and sighs from the congregation as they "empathetically" realized the challenge, albeit the blessing, that lay before Jer and I to parent these three boys- full of life and energy! I appreciated seeing the entire congregation stand in agreement that they would participate in whatever manner they could in helping us to raise our boys in godliness. ![]() I can hardly believe Isaiah will be two weeks old tomorrow already! It seems so quick, and yet, as though he's been with us for a long time. He is a blessing and a delight to our family!! ![]() samedi, août 19, 2006Baby Isaiah- making himself at home!![]() The boys trying to figure out how to keep Isaiah happy! I think we'll have to call our family: "Four Guys and a Little Lady!" Benny is all hands on deck!! ![]() ![]() Zach is a very gentle big brother who loves to hold his littlest bro alot! ![]() Burps are good- they make me happy! And a clean bum is even better!! ![]() ![]() mardi, août 15, 2006Here's the SCOOP!![]() 8am- August 12th: Tanya begins ingesting Castor Oil at 4 hour intervals- YUCKY!! 4pm: contractions begin intensifying. 4:30: Harnett family goes to a BBQ party at friends'. 6pm: Contractions intensify at five minutes apart. 6:30pm: Tanya plays a game of beach volleyball with the group of friends. 7:30pm: Harnetts drive home to tuck boys into bed. 8pm: Tanya pops in a video to relax and breath through contractions; Jeremy phones his folks to give them the "heads-up". 10pm: Video over, Tanya showers and Jeremy phones his mom to come over. 10:30pm: Mom Harnett arrives, prepared to spend the night. Jeremy and Tanya head to hospital. 11pm- 2am: waiting in hospital bed, breathing through painful contractions; cervix still posterior and only 2cm dialation. Resident doctor (student) allows us to go home and try to get some rest. Tanya says "Lets go" (namely for Jer's sake so that he doesn't have to sit in that chair all night!) 2:30am-6am- August 13th: Jer sleeps soundly in his comfy bed at home. Tanya writhes in pain laying on the bed, kneeling on the floor, squatting in the bathroom, heaving over the tub... (yeah, it was pretty hard- but I committed to letting Jeremy sleep until 6am; who wants a cranky support partener?) 6:30am: admitted into labour room. 7:30am: dialated 6-7 cm. 8:30 am: Tanya requests an epidural- forget the "hero complex!" 8:30am- 11am: Tanya actually gets to take a nap, though feeling the tightenings w/o alot of pain. 11:45- Tanya's doctor is located and is on his way to hospital!! (yay- though the student doc has been GREAT!) 11:50am: membranes are ruptured. 12pm: Tanya begins the pushing in a squat position. (I recommend it) 12:20: Isaiah Thomas John is born!! ![]() dimanche, août 13, 2006I'M HERE!![]() Isaiah Thomas John 8.14lbs Born 12:20hrs Aug 13, 2006 Welcome here Isaiah ![]() vendredi, août 11, 2006PULLING MY HAIR OUT!!1It's been a day like that: I have seen another side of me that I don't like!! I've been pushed to, what feels like the extreme... but I know it's not as extreme as it could be, or is for others. I still feel like I'm surviving day-to-day; two little boys and a near-due baby, a sick husband who's out of work, financial crunch and an unknown tomorrow, extreme exhaustion and an aching back all put me in a "just endure this day" mode. Granted, I do wake up every day with a fresh perspective... and I am posting this comment at the end of a particularly hard day. I cling to the promise that "His mercies are new every morning- GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS O LORD!" As for my part in getting beyond "survival"- as a friend encouraged me to- I am weak. I just thank Him so much that He holds onto me! I am the wounded soldier in the trenches who has no strength to survive, but my Companion locks His arms under mine and over my chest, and in this embrace he pulls me through the muck until we can see the enemy defeated. Pray for me if you read this! Let me know if I can also pray for you; in this way we can encourage each other on in our journies!! Tanya ![]() mardi, août 08, 200639 Weeks ... and not soon enough!![]() I found this funky sunflower shirt at the thrift store this week. i couldn't resist trying it on- though it's not maternity- and it stretched so perfectly over my basket-ball belly that I had to get it! It cheers me up to see my big belly beaming like a sun-flower! Today's doctor's appointment consisted of getting my membranes stripped. Never had that done before. A little painful. Have any of you ladies found it to be successful? Any other "wives tales" that have actually helped any of you induce labour "naturally"? Let me know! Baby is still way up, not dropped, and not much dialation. Doc says we need to book an inducing for the 22nd- a week and a day after my due date. He says baby still seems so content to stay inside!!! I don't want to be induced AGAIN!! Besides, we've already planned for Benjamin and "Peanut" to be dedicated on the 20th of August. (everyone welcome, by the way) AAHHH!! Well, if not by the 14th then I will not have my own doctor. (sigh) Ce La Vie! (sp?) Okay, this flower child must go snag a snooze while the boys are out for a bit!! Cheers, Tanya ![]() This past week we had company for a few days and nights. My Mom's second youngest brother, Albert, with his wife Fabiana, and there three girls, Gabriela (age7), Emily (age 4) and Sophia (age1) came to "camp out" at our place. Though Albert and Fabiana are technically my aunt and uncle, we are too close in age to really consider that our relation. The kids had a blast with my boys- Zach and Emily especially hit it off! Albert and Jer had a good laugh, and a few adventures together. Fabiana and I had a chance to leave the kids with daddies and go out for a bit of a "shop". And all of us adults stayed up far too late each night as we talked marriage, parenting, mennonite humor, and much more. As tight as our quarters are, it was a very good time! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()