Pilgrims On The Way

our old theologians used to make a lot out of the distinction between God's knowledge and ours...they distinguished...between a knowledge of God in himslef (a theology of glory), which was unavailable to us, and a revelation of God accommodated to our weakness (a theology of the cross). they called "our theology" theologia viatorum, "the theology of pilgrims." while pilgrims haven't already arrived, they know where they're headed and are even now on their way by God's grace. -Michael Horton

dimanche, septembre 17, 2006

Keepin' up with the Jones's...

We've been super busy with the flow of life lately. I have had moments where I've craved to blog a thought- and to visit the thoughts and photos of my blogging friends.... But each moment feels chalk full of activity. My brain is mushy with fatigue. Each morning I wake up for the third time, and I ask Jesus for perspective THIS DAY! It's impossible to be super mom. In fact, I'm anything BUT "Supermom!".

In honest confession, I have blown it on a number of occasions. In fact, the other day I felt myself getting so frustrated at Zach because he couldn't remember the difference between blue and purple.... (yes, he's only three, but we'd been going over it for the previous ten minutes! Ah, anyway, that's just one example....) I knew he could sense my impatience and suddenly I feared having damaged him for life because he might be forever thinking "my mom thinks I'm stupid".
In that moment I had a flash-back to a moment when I was three years old when I had been shocked at a response my own mother gave me in a situation in which she was frustrated. I had carried the hurt from that childhood incident for years with me, holding it against my mom as a "bad mark".
Now as a parent myself, I have a completely different perspective on the matter. I can see that childhood situation from the eyes of a tired, frustrated mother who may have reacted wrongly in the heat of the situation, but who probably needed a break and a lot of grace at that time. I spoke to my mom about that old, haunting memory, and I finally gave my mom grace for that wound.
And because I can give her grace for that now, I can also give myself grace in the NOW, knowing that, yes, I may "wound" my kids in my human condition, but they will be okay and perhaps one day even extend grace back to me for the memories they had from my flaws.
Grace has taken on a new angle for me in this way. It frees me from trying to be a Supermom, and trusts that God ultimately heals wounds in His timing for the purpose of teaching us perspective at the precise time that we need it.

Anyway, that little entry just kinda blurted out on it's own. I really only intended to post a couple of photos of my awesome little men who keep me laughing, crying and sweating! BOY, I love 'em!!
Zach, the BIG BOY, has given up his seat for the little guy. Now when we run errands, we have MANY spectators and commentators who remind me ("DUH") that my hands are full! (ya think?)

Isaiah had his one month birthday this past week, and he's doing really well. He's sleeping up to five hours stretches per night (with help of the Nuk). He had been trying to smile for a few days, but pulled his full real grin on his one month mark! This photo captures a half-grin of his. He's quite the facial contortionist!! He's half of Ben's weight by now. He eats well, and I produce pure "cream", I'm sure!! The nice thing about him getting so chubby so fast is that it's taking the cream right out of me (quick weight-loss program), and carrying him is building my muscles up fast! Who needs a gym membership? Just have a Harnett baby!!

Posted by Jeremy J Harnett :: 8:03 p.m. :: 2 comments

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mercredi, septembre 06, 2006


Isaiah turned three weeks old on our camping trip this labour day weekend! Yes, we tented for four days with a new-born! It was a great time, however tiring it was.

Thankfully my in-laws were a part of our party, and they truly made the weekend happen! If it weren't for them taking lead on the meals and the entertaining of Zach and Ben, I think we might have packed it in early!! Thanks Mom and Dad!

Isaiah had his first dip in the lake, but didn't appreciate the chilly experience too much! (He puked in the water to express his disgust with the whole idea!)
Our campground was pretty ruffin' it, but we sure made it homey with our tent set-up (thanks to Mom and Jer who set it up like a camping palace!)
And would you believe the view we had from our site!! It was an amazing panoramic over the okanagan lake with surrounding mountains. The sunsets we saw were incredible!!

I brought a bassanet to keep Isaiah safe from the other boys in the tent. He was snug as a bug in there!
Benjamin still needed to be "tied to his bed" in the tent or he would've been a terror without his naps!!

And Zach had a chance to snag a nap with Grampa on their snazzy Queen-sized air bed!!

Posted by Jeremy J Harnett :: 4:08 p.m. :: 5 comments

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