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Template By Caz |
vendredi, avril 24, 2009A few more shots around here....![]() Yes, each of the boys is fully launched into the air by means of our bouncy "lazy-boy" couch! Mommy says "Just this once I'm going to let you jump on the furniture!" ![]() ![]() Isaiah the dramatist (actually that's strawberry smoothie). Abi the sweetheart! Isaiah the musician... ...and the fireman. Benno the DUDE with his new ball cap! ![]() WOW!! That's alot of candy eggs! (Mommy is already wondering how to keep it all from coming home with us!) Painting eggs together proved to be alot of fun, but mess!! As soon as the dye on the eggs was dry, the kids cracked into them and gobbled them up!! ha ha One of my favorite activities that Grandpa does with the kids each year is to open the "Resurrection Eggs" together as he tells the story of Jesus death and resurrection. We also celebrated the recent Harnett birthdays, including (in age order) Uncle John, Auntie Jerine, Benjamin, Mattias, and Saffron. ![]() After the hunt this giant tube was hours of fun for everyone!! (especially Opa!) ![]() I had a friend take a bunch of photos of Ben's party and friends, but she used her camera and I haven't received those pics from her yet. Here we see Benny is already quite happy and content just with the gift of goodies from Mommy and Daddy: Candyland game, pajamas, socks, pants and dress shirt, bike helmet and a new water bottle. Ben is such a thankful little boy! Libellés : Ben's birthday ![]() vendredi, avril 17, 2009Zachariah (he'll be 6 in June), though he said he's thought about it for a long time, asked this day to pray out loud with me to ask Jesus into his heart, and thank Him for dying on the cross for his sin. Isaiah (age 2.5) then caught onto the moment and asked "Mommy, Jesus die on the cross for me I tell ya, what greater joy for Mommy than to see her little ones make a choice like this! Heavenly party going on!! Though young, I know with confidence that Jesus has embraced them and honored their child-like faith. Isn't that exactly what He said to his disciples? In fact, this very "basic" of Christian truth- essentially, the Gospel message- is absolute foundation to LIFE IN CHRIST! I was reminded this week that so often we "old-time" Christians consider the Gospel as "baby food", as though it is the message for those who do not yet believe in Jesus, or who are still babies in the faith. On the contrary, we cannot get more "meaty" than this; we cannot mature past the message of the cross! It's power must have an impact on my every day. How do I connect the real-life dots from my present circumstances (family/marriage issues, temptations, battle of the flesh etc) to abiding in the work that Jesus has already done on my behalf? I have been learning to ask myself: "How does the resurrection affect this moment?" (Essentially, I choose to focus on Jesus and remain in "the Vine", rather than strive and try to take control.) This very Truth, as old as it is, has been my recent epiphany! It affects everything in a very real way. In the last few months, I am happy to announce, Jeremy and I have had a better, deeper, more trusting relationship than we have ever had!! Our marriage had unfortunately hit an all-time "low" (for us), and we were both desperate for something more than this! We both knew that the Father must have had more in mind than this, when he designed for a man and woman to be married. But I termed these last few years as "survival years". Hmmm, not I craved to know that ABUNDANT LIFE that Jesus promised in John 10:10. However, it seemed to me that the theif was coming in and destroying more and more! Through mentoring relationships, marriage conferences, "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him." 2 Cor 2:14 From this new start to our marriage we have already been given several opportunities to share with other couples what God is showing us. In the last couple of years we have seen so many broken or severly damaged marriages; hopeless and hurting relationships. This has grieved us and scared us too! It is so exciting to know that the power of the resurrection is incredibly real to our very circumstances! It is not without our efforts, but it is all about His strength and His eternal goodness. Jeremy and I have both agreed we look forward to our love growing stronger until the day we die; let's enjoy the journey we're on together!! We've also agreed that we want to journey alongside other couples- ahead of us on the journey, or just beginning it- as encouragers and learners together. We have a real battle against the enemy of our souls, and the enemy of good marriages. (My spouse is not my enemy!) "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Eph. 6:12 Well, that all said, I could write an entire second chapter just on the goings-on of our family over the past... months! I will attempt to keep it short. We are happy to finally be living in our new home. It has been a blessing to afford our living costs, though at present we are not owners. The kids enjoy all sharing one room (two sets of bunkbeds in the master bedroom). They are such good friends for it! We now eagerly await putting up our fence and laying down a yard in the late Spring! Jeremy is at this very moment studying for the final exams to his first year of business/accounting school. He has thoroughly enjoyed his studies, and is scoring very high in all his projects and assignements. He is in the process of applying for and waiting to hear back about related work for the summer months. Jer also continues to be blessed immensly by the mens group he has been fellowshiping and growing with over the last nine months or so. I, Tanya, am learning to live in the ABUNDANT LIFE as I manage the home and children in these precious, yet exhausting, years! I have found much encouragement through new friendships and old friendships through church. This Spring I have been teaching a course of "Dramatic Encounters with Jesus" at our church's womens group. I have also really enjoyed building relationships with Moms outside of the Christian circles; sharing the hope of my life! Zachariah is growing into a boy eager to wear his Daddy's shoes. He is a warrior at heart, and is learning what the responsibilities of strength and knowledge hold! We are teaching him how to walk in wisdom and truth. Today, as you read at the beginning of this letter, Zach took a very big step in submitting his life to Jesus; admitting he can't do it on his own! Zach is starting his first season of baseball this week. He is really excited to try this out. His competitive nature needs a good outlet, and some "equal competition"! Benjamin just celebrated his fourth birthday last week. He is a handsome and brave boy, eager to keep up with his older brother. Ben has been learning about choices and consequences. It is starting to click for him! He speaks about choices on a regular basis, and even writes/sings songs with his ukulele: "I have a choice; I have a good choice." (Funny thing is, the word "consequence" was one of Ben's first words as a baby!) Ben wishes to be at school with Zach, but is happy to have Table Time with Mommy and his workbooks at home. Isaiah has more energy than any of us can keep up with! On the other hand, he is the one child of mine who can play alone for hours with his cars and trucks. He is a focused and diligent little boy. If he is given a task, he does it to the best of his ability. That said, he is still potty training... (perhaps I expect too much from him!) Isaiah's heart is so tender and loving. His favorite pastime is making regular visits to the local firehalls, wearing his fireman hat and firetruck gumboots, and hanging out in the firetrucks with the firemen! Abigail has a smile and hug as warm as the summer sun. She is now 15 months old, and has been walking for just over a month now. Her bruises and scrapes prove how much she tries to keep up with her three older brothers, though she has a very femanine way about her. Abi loves to dance and even sing (in her own language) as she raises her hands and says "Jeeshush"! And that, in a nutshell, is the Harnett season of late. The journey is exciting and full of blessing! Peace of Christ to each of you. May you be encouraged by this read, as brothers and sisters spurring one another on! Much love, the Harnetts ![]() dimanche, avril 05, 2009To our Benny!!![]()